July/August 2024
President’s Message

I hope you all are taking time to relax and enjoy the summer days we’ve been having. Our delegates are taking a break from monthly meetings in July and August, and will reconvene in September.
Speaking of meetings!
Past President of 19WCA Dr. Ruth H. Scott is hosting a book signing at Barnes and Noble, Monroe Ave., Pittsford on Saturday July 20th from 11-1pm. Her book “Raising Confident Children” is designed for any parent seeking to foster their child’s self-esteem and to set them up for lifelong success.
The 19th Ward Cub Pack 1965 is hosting a Play Day at Aberdeen Square next Saturday (7/27) 10-2pm (flyer enclosed). Come out and share in the fun!
Rochester City Council is offering a Good Cause Eviction Hearing at Aenon Baptist Church (175 Genesee St.) on July 29th, 6-8pm. It will be hosted by City Council Vice President LaShay Harris for the South District. No registration is required to attend. Please see our Civics Corner in this newsletter for more information.
We will soon begin planning for our Annual Convention – if you are interested in volunteering please reach out to our office manager at 19thward@19wca.org.
The Westside Farmer’s Market is open Tuesdays 4-7pm. If you can, stop by and enjoy the market vendors, music and so much more!
Please mark your calendar for National Night Out – Tuesday August 6th. A wonderful opportunity for our community and Rochester Police Department leadership and officers to come together!
Your continued support of the 19th Ward Community Association is appreciated – thank you!
Be Safe. Stay Healthy. Be Kind.
Josie McClary
President, 19th Ward Community Association
Rapids Cemetery
A highly-motivated group of 19th Ward cub scouts, parents and scout leaders picked raspberries at the historic pioneer Rapids Cemetery on Saturday July 6th just in time as the harvesting season was concluding. Scouts worked hard, asked observant questions and had a good time.

Help Support the 19th Ward Cat Food Drive
Many kind-hearted folks in the 19th Ward help feed a small army of hungry feral and free-roaming cats in our neighborhood. Some feeders have difficulty paying for the food every week. So, the 19th Ward Community Cats will be holding their Annual Cat Food Drive again to help replenish their supplies.
On Saturday, September 7, from 1 to 4 pm, the group will be collecting donated bags of dry cat food in the parking lot of the Genesee Baptist Church, 149 Brooks Avenue, 14619. Please bring what you can! Inexpensive brands like Friskies or Purina are preferred; no canned food is needed. Your donations by cash or check are also very welcome. The money will help provide spaying, neutering, and fostering for the cats.
If you would like to contribute to these efforts another way, you could Venmo
Gail Koch@Support19thWardCommunityCats, or mail a check to 19th Ward Community Association, PO Box 24754, Rochester, NY 14624. Please put “Community Cats” in the memo line.
You can further help by donating your returnable bottles to the 19th Ward Community Cats year-round bottle drive. Just leave bags of bottles and cans in the driveway at 28 Ravenwood Avenue. All the money raised goes directly to vet care, food, and shelters for the cats.
National Night Out-Tuesday August 6, 2024
National Night Out is a day of public safety awareness that promotes police-community partnership and neighborhood safety. Over 38 million neighbors in 16,000 U.S. communities participate to meet their police.
5:30 PM Join the Motorcade. Represent your neighborhood, block or organization! This year’s community motorcade forms on the east side of Bull’s Head Plaza
Motorcade leaves Bull’s Head at 6:00 sharp
6:20 PM Motorcade arrives at Genesee Valley Park stopping at the Roundhouse Shelter
6:30 PM Free picnic dinner buffet
Musical Entertainment by the Nate Rawls Community Jazz Band
Meet & Greet our Southwest Neighborhood RPD Leaders and Officers.
Street Managers

Arnett Branch Library

Each of the Rochester City Council District representatives – Vice President LaShay D. Harris (South), Michael A. Patterson (Northeast), Mary Lupien (East) and Bridget A. Monroe (Northwest) – will host a public hearing in the coming weeks regarding the Good Cause Eviction legislation currently before City Council.
These hearings will be held in each respective Councilmember’s district, and will be open to the public. No registration is required to attend any of these hearings. The stated goal of the upcoming hearings is to gather information and opinions from tenants, landlords and all community members on the concept of Good Cause Eviction – and the specific relevant legislation currently being considered by Council.
The legislation, which was introduced by City Council in June, would adopt New York State’s Good Cause Eviction law, restricting evictions without good reason and similarly curtailing the denial of lease renewals.
Dates and times for the public hearings are as follows:
· South District – Monday, July 29, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Aenon Missionary Baptist Church (175 Genesee Street);
· East District – Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Ryan R-Center (530 Webster Avenue);
· Northeast District – Tuesday, August 13, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Public Market (280 North Union Street);
· Northwest District – Tuesday, August 27, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Edgerton R-Center(41 Backus Street);
For more information on these hearings, City residents can call the City Council office at (585) 428-7538, or email Council@CityofRochester.Gov.
Book Signing w/ Dr. Ruth Holland Scott
Saturday, July 20th • 11am to 1pm
Barnes & Noble Pittsford
3349 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
This is a FREE Community Event
For Publisher Information Visit www.currybrotherspublishing.com

Donation Drive
We will be accepting donations until the first week of August 2024.

Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council is currently meeting via Zoom the 2nd Thursday of each month NEW TIME! 6:30pm. The months of July and August the delegates will break for the summer and resume meetings in September.
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is always looking for help in maintaining our neighborhood gardens.
Communications Committee, Kate Phillips, Chair
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will be restarting soon. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
19th Ward Community Association, P.O. Box 24754, Rochester NY 14624 – 585-328-6571 – email: 19thward@19wca.org website: 19wca.org
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