January – Luminary Night
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

*** 2021 – Due to COVID-19 we are having a modified celebration where we encourage neighbors to put out luminaries and connect with each other virtually. Please contact our office (19thward@19wca.org) to set up a contactless pickup of a luminary kit – $5 suggested donation.***
Each year in honor of Martin Luther King Day, neighbors in the 19th Ward light up the night with luminaries. Luminaries are simple to make with a milk jug or paper bag, a weight, and a candle. Kits are also sold at neighborhood businesses like Menezes Pizza, and Brue Coffee. Celebrate with your neighbors by visiting one of the hot chocolate stands or bonfires around the neighborhood or host your own!
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