Update 19 – October 2024

President’s Message We are in the midst of our Fall season and I have to say I’m enjoying walking King in the lingering summer days or crisp fall air. I hope you all are also enjoying the change in season! We are planning for our Annual Convention scheduled for November 22nd at 7pm in School #16, 321 Post Ave. If you or someone you know […]

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July/August 2024

President’s Message I hope you all are taking time to relax and enjoy the summer days we’ve been having. Our delegates are taking a break from monthly meetings in July and August, and will reconvene in September. Speaking of meetings! Past President of 19WCA Dr. Ruth H. Scott is hosting a book signing at Barnes and Noble, Monroe Ave., Pittsford on Saturday July 20th from […]

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Update 19 – June 2024

President’s Message – Josie McClary The 19th Ward Community Association hosted volunteers from Paychex on May 23rd for the United Way Day of Caring. Ravenwood and Chili Peace gardens committee chairs are thankful for their help! It was a beautiful day with fun loving volunteers! The month of June started off with a beautiful summer day and our Annual Square Fair! From the arrival of […]

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Update 19 – May 2024

What wonderful weather we are enjoying this month. On May 4th, thousands turned up for our City of Rochester Clean Sweep. We had 7 clean sweep teams in our neighborhood – it was a fun day as you can see from the smiles! Tomorrow (Saturday May 11th) the Arnett Block Club, R Community Bikes and His Branches will be co-sponsoring a free Fix Your Bike […]

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Update 19 – April 2024

Happy Spring! King and I are hoping that this beautiful sunny weather is here to stay… On March 23rd, from 12:30pm-2:30pm the 19WCA, in collaboration with University of Rochester Residential Life & Housing Services students, hosted our annual Family Skating Party at the Genesee Valley Sports Complex. We had a great turnout meeting up with old friends and making new ones – a good time […]

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Update 19 – March 2024

Presidents Message Happy March! King and I have enjoyed our walks with March’s fluctuating weather – Spring is coming soon! March 23rd, from 12:30pm-2:30pm the 19WCA, in collaboration with University of Rochester Residential Life & Housing Services students, will be hosting our annual Family Skating Party at the Genesee Valley Sports Complex. Family and friends can enjoy this FREE event that includes free skate rental […]

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Update 19 – February 2024

Presidents Message Americans have played a central role in shaping US History. From slavery and its eradication to the great migration, the civil rights movement, military, science, cultural and political achievements. Let’s back track for a minute with a little history lesson: Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an […]

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Update 19- January 2024

Presidents Message 2023 concluded one year of the 19WCA presidency for me. Although we don’t have a brick and mortar we have participated in community events and fairs (RCSD Board Public Meeting, City Council Public Meeting, tabling at Church and Community events) – it was a busy year! My thanks to all who joined with me! We collaborated and partnered with the Greater Rochester Martin […]

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Update 19 – December 2023

Presidents Message Welcome December! It’s hard to believe that the year 2023 is coming to a close. I hope everyone will look back at the successes and the lessons learned in 2023 and look forward to 2024 with anticipation toward what the new year will bring. In November we hosted our Annual Convention at School 16! Our feedback from those in attendance was that it […]

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Update 19 – October 2023

Presidents Message Welcome October! Our thanks to the City of Rochester, County of Monroe and everyone involved with moving forward the traffic calming solution on Thurston Rd. The City of Rochester/County of Monroe news release can be read in this newsletter’s Around the Neighborhood section. There were several community engagement opportunities in September that the 19WCA participated in. Kate Washington and I tabled at Senator […]

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