Update 19 – April 2024

Happy Spring! King and I are hoping that this beautiful sunny weather is here to stay…
On March 23rd, from 12:30pm-2:30pm the 19WCA, in collaboration with University of Rochester Residential Life & Housing Services students, hosted our annual Family Skating Party at the Genesee Valley Sports Complex. We had a great turnout meeting up with old friends and making new ones – a good time was held by all!
Also on March 23rd our annual Spelling Bee was held at the University of Rochester Wegman Hall. Please see the Schools Committee report inside.
The 19WCA partnered with Eclipse events at St. Monica’s Church (Sandra Powell and Barbara Watts) while I partnered with SEAC and others at the Genesee Valley Park Field House. John DeMott, one of our SW Street Managers and District 17 Delegate provided this “Quote of the Week” from Sandra Powell, VP1 of the 19WCA: “This whole Eclipse experience turned out to have so many wonderful aspects that I don’t even feel bad that the clouds covered the sun!” Agreed!
May 4th is the City of Rochester’s Clean Sweep. Click here to register >>
The 19WCA has 7 Clean Sweep teams participating in our neighborhood. If interested in joining one of the teams, please contact our office for further information.
The United Way Day of Caring is May 23rd. The 19th Ward Community Association will be hosting volunteers from Paychex who will be helping at the Ravenwood and Chili Peace gardens.
The 19WCA annual Square Fair 2024 will be held June 1st in Aberdeen Square Park! Please reach out to our office at 19thward@19wca.org or 585-328-6571 to become a sponsor or vendor. Parade participants and volunteers for this fun family event are also needed.
I hope you enjoy this month’s Update 19 – feel free to send submissions to Ruth at 19thward@19wca.org to help keep our neighborhood informed of all that’s happening in our community!
Thank you for your continued support of the 19th Ward Community Association!
Be Safe. Stay Healthy. Be Kind.
Josie McClary
President, 19th Ward Community Association
Schools Committee
Submitted by Dr. Phyllis Moss
This year’s Spelling Bee went off without a hitch! From the students who ran the Bee to those who participated, it was impressive. The students enjoyed games and pizza at the frat house before the Bee; and received t-shirts and gift cards for participating. Many thanks to the University of Rochester and the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity for organizing and hosting the 10th Spelling Bee in partnership with the 19th Ward Association. We need more community partners like you! Congratulations to this year’s winners!! A special shout out to School #10 and Dr. Eva Thomas for supporting this event and encouraging literacy among our scholars.
We continue to work on the development of a tutoring program at School #16. If you have a few hours weekly to help a child improve their reading skills please consider joining our tutoring team. You can email me at at readingcircles19@gmail.com or phone/text me at 585-451-1686.
19WCA Cub Scout Pack #1965
Our cub scouts are busy! Following are events from March and early April. Your donation to Pack #1965 is appreciated!
March / Early April Events
· March 20th P1965 Pinewood Derby School 16. Due to the water advisory, we were hosted by the The Thurston Road YMCA Neighborhood Center. Fantastic time many thanks to the YMCA ! Plus all P1965 Cubs qualified for the High Falls District Pinewood Derby April 13th!!
· March 23rd 19WCA Skating Party.
· March 28th RMSC Planetarium program for the upcoming April 8 Solar Eclipse. Highly educational explaining Eclipses and constellations in the night sky.
· First week of April was a recess. Lot’s of testing going on in April also.
· April 4 Rotary Southwest Presentation by Pack 1965 5:30-6:30 As always looking for Recruitment support, camping equipment – fundraising opportunities and service projects. The Cubs did a fantastic job presenting.
· April 8 Solar Eclipse! Planting service project at St. Monica’s.
· April 10 meeting Knife Safety, Camping preparation.
· April 13 High Falls District Pinewood Derby St. Ambrose Gym.
· April 17th Meeting. Adventures on Outdoor Camping – Planning
· April 20 Canal Clean Sweep w/ Rotary SW.
· April 27 Camp Cutler Day Visit.
Street Managers

To: Southwest Rochester businesses & aspiring businesses:
The Southwest Street Liaison office & the 19th Ward Community Association will host a free
Monday, April 22, 10 AM through the lunch hour at Montgomery Center, 10 Cady Street, Rochester 14608
All current and potential business owners are welcome.
Here is a workshop designed to offer you invaluable support and resources as an owner of a new or existing business, as well as to aspiring entrepreneurs. We have a lineup of presenters from esteemed organizations, each bringing unique insights and expertise.
There are presentations by the Monroe County MWBE office. Monroe County Clerk’s Office & Economic Development, City of Rochester Business Development, Rochester Economic Development Corp. (REDCO), RIT Center for Urban Entrepreneurship (CUE), Urban League of Rochester, Small Business Administration (SBA) and more.
In addition you can expect:
• Opportunities to network with fellow business owners and professionals.
• Access to resources and support services tailored to your business needs.
• Insights on overcoming common challenges and maximizing growth.
Whether you are already a seasoned entrepreneur or just embarking on your business journey, this workshop promises to equip you with tools and knowledge for success.
We look forward to seeing you at the Business Success Workshop on April 22nd.
If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to call 313-2559.
St. Mary’s Campus, 1st Floor
89 Genesee St, Rochester NY 14611
Phone / Text 585-313-2559
St. Monica’s Eclipse Block Party – news video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWJiN0qO6Jg

Collecting Unused Sunglasses: The Rotary Club of Rochester Southwest, is collecting them locally.
Rotary will send the glasses to Eclipse Glasses USA, which has a program in place to channel sunglasses to places in need. Read about them at: https://eclipse23.com/pages/donate-eclipse-glasses
According to Don Alhart’s Bright Spot article that will be to Latin America for children to use during the eclipse coming up in August. If Don Alhart said it, it must be true!
Arnett Library

Thurston Road YMCA – Ione “Grandma” Collins Memorial Flower Sales
We have a number of events at our Thurston Road YMCA Neighborhood Center, including our current annual Ione “Grandma” Collins Memorial Flower Sale – click on the link for more information and order forms.
Canal Clean Sweep April 19-21
Clean Sweep hosts and volunteers are needed around the state the weekend of April 19-21 to celebrate Earth Day. Right click and highlight the link to read what’s happening on Earth Day, Karen Emerson and SW Rotary!
Ice Skating Party Photos
This year was the largest turnout since our return from COVID, with a total of 44 participants (including adults and children). Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make this a great family event! We’re looking forward to next year!

From the City of Rochester website – cityofrochester.gov
Clean Sweep is back May 4, 2024!
Click here to register >>
Clean Sweep Saturday is held each spring at Innovative Field. Volunteers will gather to collect a free Clean Sweep T-shirt, eat a light breakfast and get their assignments before heading out to project sites in city neighborhoods. Mayor Malik Evans will greet volunteers and pose for a group photo.
Volunteers will also receive a free ticket to that day’s Red Wings baseball game, which starts that afternoon. They’ll also receive a voucher for food and drink at the game and free parking will be available to those wearing Clean Sweep t-shirts.
Student volunteers can receive Participation in Government certificates.
Since it was first launched in 2006, tens of thousands of volunteers have participated in Clean Sweep, working alongside City crews to remove winter debris and litter from city neighborhoods. Volunteers also plant flowers, prune trees and perform other neighborhood beautification projects. City crews also remove graffiti, clean City-owned properties, repair sidewalks and fill potholes.
Volunteers are encouraged to sign up in advance by calling 311 or using the Clean Sweep registration form, but everyone is welcome to join the day of the event, too!
Please wear appropriate clothing, including hard-soled shoes and long pants. Gloves and tools will be provided, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own if possible.
What to Expect
- Volunteers park free during Clean Sweep and the game in the Oak Street lot. Transportation is provided from Innovative Field to projects and back.
- Come in the main entrance and find your group or join a project.
- Pick up your free t-shirt, coffee, juice, muffins and danish.
- Take a seat in the stands for Mayor Malik Evans welcome and the group photo.
- Buses leave Innovative Field at 9 a.m.
- Work gloves, tools and bags are provided at each job site.
- Buses bring volunteers back to Innovative Field for the game.
- All are welcome. Call 311 (585-428-5990) to report a special need.
Clean Sweep is community in action!
- Reconnect with old friends and make new ones.
- Do some team-building with your neighborhood association, church group, school group, club, team, family or civic organization.
- Get volunteer credit (ex: for Participation in Government class).
- Residents can take advantage of Clean Sweep, too. Place yard debris at the curb and a City crew will soon come by to retrieve it.
- City crews remove graffiti, clean City properties, repair sidewalks and fill potholes during the event.

Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council is currently meeting via Zoom the 2nd Thursday of each month NEW TIME! 6:30pm
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is always looking for help in maintaining our neighborhood gardens.
Communications Committee, Kate Phillips, Chair
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will be restarting soon. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
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