Update 19 November 2020
President’s Message Zola Brown

It is that time of the year: boots, scarfs, hats and mixed-match gloves because, just like little kids, we can never keep up with them. November is here and the New Year is around the corner. I imagine everyone is looking for a better year than what we have endured through 2020. The November election may determine the outcome of your new year, so please vote November 3, 2020.
The 19th Ward Annual Convention is coming soon via zoom on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. The theme is Race, Equity and Rebuilding Trust. We will reflect on our past year and usher in a new group of leaders. All positions are open, and the bylaws of the organization regarding election are on the 19th Ward website. If you are a member in good standing and desire to be President, 1st or 2nd Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary you may be nominated on the floor of the convention. We look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening November 17th at 7 p.m.
The students at the U of R have an annual student conversation series called “Breaking the Bubble” through the Center for Community Leadership office. The theme for our virtual discussion was Becoming a Better Neighbor. We were asked to discuss the University’s role as a neighbor to Rochester’s southwest neighborhoods. On October 19, I attended the zoom virtual event on behalf of the 19th Ward along with Plex Neighborhood Association President Dorian Hall, School 19 Principal Moniek Silas Lee and U of R President Sarah Mangelsdorf. The goal was to have a discussion on the strengths of our relationship, and what steps we can take to be better neighbors.
Our next family gathering is around the corner – Thanksgiving! Please stay safe and make the best of it. Enjoy your meal with your family whether it’s virtual or in person. We will remember those who could not make it this year and we are thankful for living in the 19th Ward.
Please continue to support our local businesses in the 19th Ward. We hope our information through our weekly update, newsletter, and Facebook posts, help in some way.
Zola Brown, President 19th Ward Community Association

Election of 19th Ward Community Assoc. Officers
submitted by Jacob Adams, Nominations Committee Chair
Although the Nominations Committee has chosen a potential slate of candidates to serve as officers for the Association in 2021, this slate must be approved by the delegates committee for it to be put forward for voting at the Annual Convention. (This slate will be sent out via email once approved by the delegates committee.)
No competing candidates have been identified at this point. However, individuals may be nominated from the floor at the Convention, including self-nominations. You can also contact the Nominations chair if you wish to nominate someone or yourself before hand—which would be helpful. All officer nominees must be members in good standing prior to the Annual Convention.
Please contact the Nominations Committee Chair, Jacob Adams at adamsmj14@yahoo.com with potential competing candidates after having confirmed that they are willing to stand for election. Please contact before November 5th if at all possible.
Common Duties of Officers
- Attending monthly delegates meeting
- Attending monthly executive committee meetings
- Assisting with at least one committee
- Terms are for one year except President is unofficially expected to serve 2 years
Specific Duties
- Setting Association priorities and ensuring planning for events takes place
- Setting agendas and running delegates and executive committee meetings
- Spokesperson for the Association
- Writing a monthly column
- Supervising office manager
1st VP
- Stepping up in absence of President
- Preparing to become President in two years
2nd VP
- Stepping up in absence of President and 2nd VP
- Keep minutes of delegates and executive committee meetings
- Keep the books
- Ensure taxes are filed
- Write and deposit checks
- Note: In terms of voting, the Bylaws do not allow proxy or absentee voting. Therefore you must be present to vote for officers
Please contact the Nominations Committee Chair, Jacob Adams at adamsmj14@yahoo.com with potential candidates after having confirmed that they are willing to stand for election. Please contact before November 5th if at all possible.

Friday when Ruth dropped off the card, I took it and got signatures from John Boutet, his next door neighbor Dr. Peter’s wife Gail (Eddie used to go to their home to cut Peter’s hair before he passed away a few months ago,) Jimmy Crowley, Ali the tailor (whose shop started out next to Eddie’s shop,) Dr. Gordon, and Perry Peck from Thurston Garage (whose Dad used to get his hair cut at Eddie’s, and asked if the location would be good for the garage — thus gracing us with Perry’s presence, and Perry also visited Eddie’s.) We had about 19 signing, so a good representation.
The above email about Eddie the Barber’s retirement card helps tell the story why I live in the 19th Ward. It is a community where so many are connected and care about each other. I was visiting Keuka Springs winery a few Sundays ago, and the woman pouring for us asked where I was from. “Rochester, the 19th Ward.” She said her husband grew up at 59 Enterprise. OMG, I live at 79. She said most of the street was Irish descent, then.
We moved into the Ward in 1983 as it was close to work, loved the house, and we appreciated the diversity of the neighborhood. My husband Mark and I have always felt welcomed. We are celebrating 45 years together. And look forward to many more here.
I grew up in Penfield, went to McQuaid, then Boston University, where I received a BS in public relations and advertising, business communication. My first job was at the then Rumrill-Hoyt on Mt. Hope Ave. just before the canal. I later worked for EDS at Xerox on Jefferson Rd. I retired from Lowe’s of Henrietta as a customer service associate in lawn and garden. Lawn and garden was perfect for me as gardening is my hobby.
I co-founded the SW Garden Group with Marian Boutet and we started the Kenwood/Kirkland Community Garden with Lowe’s and School 29. I also work with John Curran at Rapids Cemetery with garden plantings, and I am on the Housing Committee for 19th WCA.
Being a community volunteer has been a part of me since an early Eagle Scout project. Volunteering continued at McQuaid when we went to visit residents at Monroe Community Hospital. We tutored at St. Monica’s in English and Math. This was back in the “old days” when they had a school.
Most of what I learned from schools was at McQuaid. “McQuaid inspires young men to realize their God-given gifts through their pursuit of excellence in academics, athletics, service to others, and a lifelong commitment to justice.”
“Men for others” is something that stuck. And made a lot of sense. And makes a community. Not necessarily in the form of direct service, but neighborliness. One lesson learned in the E2 block club which I started with our then CPO Kris: know your neighbor on each side of your house, across and behind. And when you know them, community grows.
Around the Neighborhood
The Arnett Branch is a voting site on November
3rd. NO Library Services offered that day.
Get out the Vote Motorcade
October 24th was a crisp fall day – and the voting lines were long! Our motorcade consisted of 19th Ward Community Association, Roc-Hard Corvette, DELTA Sigma Theta and the phenomenal League of Women Voters and neighborhood friends! Thank you to everyone!!

19th Ward Community Cats
Dear 19th Ward Cat Friends –
Our Cat Food Drive was a resounding success! Hurray!
Huge thanks go to everyone who helped…by spreading the word, making signs, bringing food for volunteers, setting up, collecting or bringing cat food, donating money, making deliveries, cleaning up, and more. You enthusiasm and energy made it a great success—especially amazing during the tough times of a pandemic.
People came from across the city, and even another county, to bring us donations. Not only did we receive a lot of cash and check donations, but we also raised money through a online fundraiser and by selling a few cat-related items. We also got some great new friends, supporters, and contacts for the future.
We received more food than Larry’s truck could hold! See photo below.
Here are some numbers:
- Feeders who received food 30
- Cats being fed 147 (!!!)
- Pounds of dry food 1,300
- Cans of wet food 760
- Delivery volunteers 7
- Cash received $535 direct donations (including ~$100 from UR off-campus student ambassadors)
- $725 from Luke Carretta’s Facebook fund drive (wow, thanks, Luke!)
Before we forget, let’s evaluate the whole process and see if there’s any way we can improve it next year. This year was especially challenging since we could not use the office due to coronavirus; thank goodness the weather cooperated. Next year may offer new challenges. If you have any suggestions, please email us and we will save the ideas for next year.
Thank you,
Marcy and Heidi, co-chairs

Does anyone remember this 19th Ward game? (see answer below) Looks like fun!!

Police Accountability Board
The PAB (Police Accountability Board will not be conducting in-person meetings for the month November 2020. All meetings will instead be streamed live online as listed below. If guidance around in-person meetings is changed, an updated release will be sent detailing any changes related to location and access. For a full list of Public Meetings and additional information about participation go to the Public Meeting Access page on the City’s Website: www.cityofrochester.gov/publicmeetings. Links to the webpage containing the livestreamed videos, which will be broadcast on (and uploaded to) the PAB’s YouTube channel, are below.
Thursday, November 5, 2020 – 6:30 p.m. – PAB Board Meeting – Listen or view the meeting at this link.
Thursday, November 12, 2020 – 6:30 p.m. – PAB Board Meeting – Listen or view the meeting at this link.
Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 6:30 p.m. – PAB Board Meeting – Listen or view the meeting at this link.
19th Ward Roc the Day – December 1, 2020!

Rapids Cemetery
The recent vegetation clearing at the northwest corner has preserved raspberry bushes that can be transplanted to continue the cultivated rows. We have had great success over the years preserving the wild existing raspberry bushes and adding them to our cultivated “food forest”. We will transplant bushes this Sunday.
This would be a good opportunity to check the exposed northwest corner ground surface for any visible artifacts. I found some old sports equipment that I’d like to photograph and add to the archives to record the century-long period of time when the cemetery was used as an unofficial playground.
Plans are to continue working on Sunday afternoons from 1-4pm until the snow covers the ground.
Our hose equipment is stored away for safekeeping courtesy of JoAnn.
We enjoyed a very prolific year at Rapids Cemetery in spite of the COVID-19 restrictions. We expanded the rose and decorative grass terrace gardens along the sidewalk; extended existing colonies of blood root, day lilies, vinca, Solomon’s seal, lily of the valley and ginger; improved the network of trellised raspberry bush rows and we now seem to be making progress for installing a flagpole and perimeter fencing. The entire north border is now walkable and will make fence installation much easier. We did successful fund-raising earlier in the year to help sustain our efforts. We look forward to getting our self-guiding cell phone tour website operational with RIT help.

Westside Farmers’ Market
The Westside Farmers Market concluded on October 13, 2020. Thanks again to everyone for a successful season!
Events Updates

More Information to Come re: Convention
Delegates Council – now via Zoom!
- November 12
- December 10
Check upcoming issues of Update 19 for more information about our fall events!
Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council will meet virtually on November 12th at 7pm.
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is dreaming of spring flowers.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is in search of a new chair. We are also very interested in some help working on the newsletter if anyone is familiar with WordPress or willing to learn!
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will meet the third Thursday of each month at 1 pm when we are able. Please get in touch with our office manager about how we’ll meet during social distancing. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
Other news

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