What our volunteers have been up to
As usual, we have been spending most of our time providing vet care for feral or community cats. We trap which takes hours and even days of prep work, hold the cats in a garage until they are transported to Lollypop veterinarian clinic. They return, get fed and monitored and then released to the colony where they live and get fed.
Foodlink has been generous enough to provide canned cat food to us monthly. We distribute it to close to 30 colony caregivers and over 120 cats!!!
2 volunteers are fostering cats that are too sick, young or too friendly to be released outdoors. Please see our adoptables on our web site. We have also helped out 2 very sick cats that were friendly but need vet care. Both are indoors and safe now, but still need more care. Any donations help. Scarface or “Big Al” needs his eye stitched up as it appears to be missing. Molly , seen below, has healed and been spayed and vaccinated. She was adopted by the kind neighbor who found her. This is her before we attended to her fleas, poor skin, and lack of regular food.

Jack and Diane
One of our neighbors and feral feeders has sadly passed away after a long illness. We got her 2 indoors cats(rescues from outdoors of course) into the vet for updated vaccines and found them a forever home with Mewmew House for retired Cats. Much coordination, phone calling and driving goes into an intervention like this.
We are trapped 2 litters of kittens to get them into foster care and socialize them. This is crucial so that they can become pets and stop the cycle of feral kittens being born. They will be up for adoption soon. Their parents have been spayed and neutered. Jack and Diane are living the good life with their generous caretaker!
Everything described above takes volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers to learn to trap, transports to vet, people to distribute food, and fosters! We have been finding litters of kittens that REALLY need foster homes. This way we can break that cycle of cats living outdoors and homeless. If you are interested in trying any of these, please contact Robin at 585-709-6229.
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