Update 19 – November 2021
President’s Message Karen Emerson

November is the month we give thanks. Thanks for all we have, thanks for our friends and family and thanks for a community.
I am thankful for all of you who have given me advice, support, encouragement, and help in so many ways. I am thankful that we have a community who takes care of one another by filling our food pantries and little libraries.
Our office manager Ruth takes calls from concerned neighbors who are trying to make a better neighborhood. Because our neighbors are committed, we have started some events which I believe will make our neighborhood stronger and more resilient.
We had our first mini Clean Sweep October 9th. We had 7 participants and we collected 6 big bags of garbage. I was amazed at the amount of waves, horn beeps and cheers from neighbors. It is a small effort but it speaks volumes in showing that we care about how our community looks. We are planning another Clean Sweep November 13th at the corner of Brooks and Thurston from 10am-12noon. Please feel free to join us for some or all of the time. You will have a chance to meet your neighbors and do some cleaning.
On October 23rd our Mayor Elect Malik Evans joined a group of about 50 residents for great conversation, cider and donuts. I believe this is just the continuation of our strong connection with our city government. I am looking forward to meeting with many of our political leaders to let them know our needs and wants. Mark your calendars for another event on Dec 4th from 10am-12pm with our County Executive Adam Bello. We will have hot chocolate, conversation and fellowship. We have made a connection with SWAN (SouthWest Area Neighborhoods) on Cady Street and will be collecting unwrapped new toys for their Christmas giveaways on that day. I know many of you will want to participate.
Our annual convention is being held November 19th. We are hosting the election of officers and also a Trivia Night. A group has been working on this event for months and we are hoping for a fun night. We are keeping it short so that the Zoom Fatigue may not overwhelm you. The planning team has created a great collection of t-shirts, travel mugs, insulated bags and hats and are ready for prizes and holiday giving. I look forward to your attendance and participation. Look for details.
As you know, we continue to be challenged by COVID. Our current vaccination rate is 64.9% and 59.3% for zip codes 14619 and 14611 respectively. These vaccination rates are increasing slowly. The vaccine prevents severe illness, prevents hospitalizations and keeps us alive. Please encourage those you love to get vaccinated. We have to vaccinate our way back to our normal ways of gathering. I know I will not feel comfortable and do not think it is prudent to gather in large numbers indoors until our positivity rate is much lower.
Veterans Day is November 11th. Make sure you take time to thank a veteran for their service to our country. Ways you can celebrate Veterans Day: consider Adopting a Military Family for the Holidays, fly an American Flag, Donate to a Reputable Veterans’ Charity or Service Organizations, Participate in the National Two-Minutes of Silence, Ask a veteran about their service and/or Visit Your Local Nursing Home or VA Hospital.
Our Scout Troop is meeting at the library twice a month. They have gone to the Science Museum and have been out on some hikes. If you know any of our neighbors who would be interested please have them contact Jesse Knoth at 585-244-4210.
As always I ask if you can spare some time, consider becoming involved with the Association as a delegate, officer or participant in our events.
Be safe, enjoy your family and Happy Thanksgiving!
Karen Emerson
President, 19th Ward Communication Association
Around the Neighborhood
19WCA Annual Convention 2021
The 19WCA convention will be held on November 19, 2021 at 7pm and will be held via Zoom. We will conduct our regular business meeting to elect officers and vote on the next budget. Everyone is welcome but only registered members of the 19WCA are eligible to vote on official business. Following the business meeting, a Trivia night fundraiser (with great prizes!) will be held! More details to come.
We are seeking candidates for our Executive Committee. All positions are open. Please let Bryan Babcock, Nominating Committee Chair (bryan@14619.org), know if you are interested in filling any of these positions.
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Core Duties of Officers
- Attending monthly delegates meeting
- Attending monthly executive committee meetings
- Assisting with at least one committee
- Terms are for one year except President is unofficially expected to serve 2 years
Specific Duties
- Setting Association priorities and ensuring planning for events takes place
- Setting agendas and running delegates and executive committee meetings
- Spokesperson for the Association
- Writing a monthly column
- Supervising office manager
1st VP
- Stepping up in absence of President
- Preparing to become President in two years
2nd VP
- Stepping up in absence of President and 2nd VP
- Keep minutes of delegates and executive committee meetings
- Keep the books
- Ensure taxes are filed
- Write and deposit checks
Note: In terms of voting, the Bylaws do not allow proxy or absentee voting. Therefore you must be present to vote for officers
19WCA hosted a Meet and Greet and Rock Painting Event on October 23rd w/Mayor Elect Malik Evans. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and supported this event, with special thanks to Tyrese Bryant and Karen Emerson for pulling it all together! Also, look for positive, painted rocks around the neighborhood!

Time to Turn Back our Clocks!
On November 7th….. Remember to change your clocks and change your batteries in your smoke alarms. Also, practice exit drills in the home. If you live in the City of Rochester and need a smoke alarm please call 311 to schedule an installation.
The Next Mini Clean Sweep sponsored by 19WCA will be held November 13th from 10-12noon at Thurston & Brooks Ave. Garbage bags and tools will be provided. Future Mini Clean Sweeps will be held the second Saturday of the month 10-12noon, locations to be determined. Please join us as we strive to keep our neighborhood neat and clean. We need you!
The Westside Farmers Market is closed for the season – but neighborhood artist Mitchell Lurye has left us a wonderful gem as a reminder – thank you Mitchell!

Rochester City School District – Community Action Initiative
Calling all students, families, staff, and community members! Be a part of this call-to-action and provide thoughtful input on how to address violence in Rochester. We will work collectively to develop tangible action items to support bringing back peace to our schools and community.
- Saturday, November 6, 2021
- Franklin Campus, 950 Norton Street
- 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Pre-register at www.rcsdk12.org/feedback
Please note: The District is following COVID-19 safety protocols for this meeting, including universal masking while indoors.

The University of Rochester wants to hear from you!
DATE: Monday, November 15, 2021
RE: Brooks Crossing Apartment Complex
TIME: 5:30PM – 6:30PM
The University of Rochester has finalized the purchase of the Brooks Crossing apartment complex, a 170-bed residential building located in the Brooks Landing area, across from River Campus on the Genesee River. Since the opening of Brooks Landing in 2014, the University has leased the Brooks Crossing complex from its original owner and developer and used it to house upper-class students.
Moving forward and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, University leaders will continue to explore the use of the building’s lower-level dining space. We know that our neighbors and community members have valuable insight and feedback to offer on how to make the complex more useful for community needs. As such, we would like to hear from residents who reside in the area. How could the University improve the facility to increase community connections? What ideas do you have that could stimulate the Brooks Crossing complex into a site that integrates our campus and the community? We invite you to offer your feedback about the complex to help inform the University during the Brooks Crossing community input session. Representatives from the University of Rochester Office of Government and Community Relations will be present to listen and gather your input. We hope that you can join us!
To Register for Community Forum

Fall Leaf Collection
The City of Rochester’s Department of Environmental Services annual Fall Loose Leaf Collection Program will begin Monday November 1 and continue through November 19.
The City offers three methods of leaf collection:
- Loose-leaf collection program: The City provides free loose-leaf collection each November. Each year’s schedule for loose leaf collection is included in the City’s annual At Your Service Guide that is mailed to residents each year and published on an interactive loose-leaf collection map. Leaves be raked into loose piles between the sidewalk and the curb before the Monday of each scheduled leaf pickup week will be picked up on any day of that week. Please note that it is unsafe and therefore illegal to place leaves directly onto streets or sidewalks.
- Refuse collection: Residential and commercial refuse customers may always place bagged leaves at the curb for pickup on their regular refuse collection day.
- Drop off: Residents may drop off loose leaves at the Materials Give Back site on Ferrano Street, near Colfax Street. Leaves are accepted Nov.-Dec., Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. NO BAGS ARE PERMITTED.
During the loose leaf collection process, crews tackle the leaves in stages. First, they’re blown, raked or pushed onto the street. Next, multiple vehicles will load and haul the leaves away. Then a street sweeper will come and clean leftover debris. Sometimes, parked cars will inhibit the ability to reach leaf piles or neighbors may rake their leaves out to the curb after their area has been serviced. Residents can call 311 to report the address that needs leaf pickup and the City will do its best to service these situations after the city collection cycle has been completed.
For further information, call 311 (outside City limits, call (585) 428-5990)
Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council meets virtually on second Thursday of each month at 7pm via Zoom.
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is seeing spring flowers, once again! Please volunteer if interested!
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is in search of a new chair. Get in touch!
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will meet the third Thursday of each month at 1 pm when we are able. Please get in touch with our Office Manager about how we’ll meet during social distancing. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
Schools Committee Report – October 2021
1. Volunteers
A great concern of the Schools Committee, led by Dr. Phyllis Moss, is for neighborhood help in our local schools with tutoring children who have fallen behind because of online learning or other reasons.
Volunteers must be approved by the Rochester City School District. We are assured that the process will be simple and completed quickly. You may visit https://www.rcsdk12.org/Page/28007 to access an application. Ricky Frazier (585-262-8489) will assist you.
Some Particular needs:
1) Walking School Bus Volunteers to assist walkers to and/or from School 10 and 17.
2.) Retired Reading teachers to help struggling readers at School 10.
3.) Volunteer Classroom Aides at School 19.
2. Spelling Bee:
We have purchased an enrollment in the Scripps Spelling Bee for this school year. The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity brothers are again willing to help with tutoring—by Zoom at least initially. Let the Giebels know if you would like to help. Invite any children in Schools 10, 16, 19, or 29 to be involved. Each school will have a designated coordinator.
3. Busing:
We are still promoting Local Busing, which is a matter that must be dealt with in Albany. A relevant issue is the need for before-school childcare for parents who must get to work before the school day begins.
4. Encouraging School Staff
If would be wonderful if we all could show appreciation and support for the hard-working staff at all our schools. Can you think of ways to encourage them?
From the Office of the Governor:
THE LATEST ON THE PFIZER VACCINE FOR KIDS. New York State is here to make it easy for kids to get vaccinated. A survey from schools across the state shows that nearly 400 districts intend to host a vaccination event! Parents: reach out to your pediatrician or other health care provider to see if they are currently administering vaccines to 5-11-year-olds.
GETTING VACCINATED IS A SLAM DUNK. We’re bringing #VaxAndWin to the basketball court. If you get your vaccine at the Barclays Center vaccine site, you’ll get a voucher redeemable for two free tickets to a Brooklyn Nets home game, or another select event at the Barclays Center.
#GETTHEVAXFACTS. Vaccine misinformation continues to spread, and New York State is fighting back with a comprehensive campaign to get the facts out. Get toolkits and guidance on how to help combat dangerous misinformation here.
SHARING THIS WEEK’S COVID TRENDS. As of November 2, 2021, there are 1,908 New Yorkers hospitalized with COVID-19. Our 7-day percentage positivity average was 2.22%, which is up from 2.11% last week.
Per the CDC as of November 3, 2021, 87.8% of adult New Yorkers have at least one vaccine dose. So far, 27,392,352 total vaccine doses have been administered, and 77,583 doses were administered over the past 24 hours.
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