Update 19 – November 2022
Presidents Message

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am thankful for so many things. First the weather! It is not often we have such lovely weather as we have had the last few weeks in October. I have been able to extend my porch time and managed to get some plants moved around. I am also thankful for the end of my term as president. I will not miss the deadlines and the need to sit down monthly to write this newsletter. I am thankful for the tons of neighbors who have volunteered for any number of projects to strengthen our neighborhood. Thanks to the garden volunteers, who keep our gardens looking beautiful. Thanks to the volunteers who have stewarded Rapids Cemetery, History and Archives, Square Fair, Convention, Executive and Delegates, Meet and Greet, Clean Sweep, Food Pantry, Public Safety, Schools, Zoning, Strategic Planning and Business Associations. Without our volunteers we would not be able to exist. Our Neighborhood Service Center has provided countless hours of support to our needs. Finally, I am grateful to Ruth who always goes above and beyond to make sure our neighbors concerns are attended to in a neighborly way. Thanks for being my neighbor.
Please, please, please go out and vote. Vote early or wait until November 8th but make sure you vote.
The Executive Committee and other interested neighbors are working on a plan for the eventual sale of the building at 216 Thurston Road. If you are interested in participating in this committee please contact the office.
Strategic Planning
We have a dedicated group of neighbors who are meeting twice a month to make sure our neighborhood work can continue. We are beginning to identify the areas we would like to focus our requests to the City, County and State. You will have your opportunity for input at the Convention.
November 18th we will have our annual convention (flyer attached). Please come to meet your neighbors, give input for our future work and vote for our incoming slate of officers.
Closing of Walgreens
The City will continue to engage the Walgreens management but I do believe this is a done deal. The Mayor and Dana Miller have spoken with management but to date have not had any satisfactory response. Please know that Walgreens continues to have a lease on the property until 2027. This means the property could remain vacant for a long time. We will continue to work with our city and local representatives to mitigate damage. Please feel free to contact your local representatives and management of Walgreens. I know that Walgreens had planned to close 200 stores in their business plans of 2018. I have reached out to Anthony Jordan Health Center and Rochester Regional to see if their current on site pharmacies could support our neighbors. Details to follow.
Clean Sweep
November 12th we will meet at 216 Thurston Road to begin to sort and organize the office in preparation for our eventual move.
October 25th Troop 1965 had its first meeting at the Arnett Library. We had 10 youngsters who expressed an interest in Scouting. The next meeting will be November 9th from 6-7pm at the Library. Tell all your friends and neighbors with children to come join the fun.
Public Safety
The optics for the PAB (Police Accountability Board) are really poor and so when I had the opportunity to attend the PAB public input session at Ibero this past week my expectation was pretty low. I was pleasantly surprised at the work they are doing. They are bringing this presentation to the Arnett Library on November 17th at 5:30pm. I encourage you to attend and give input.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Karen V. Emerson, President
19th Ward Community Association
19th Ward 2022 Annual Convention
This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, hear of our future plans and vote for our incoming slate of officers. We can also use the help of volunteers in set-up, break-down, refreshments, welcoming attendees and more! Please call the office at 585-328-6571 if you can help – you are appreciated!

Community-maintained garden at Arnett and Wellington
Have you appreciated the pocket park at the corner of Wellington and Arnett as you drive or walk by? It was certainly beautiful this past summer, and in fact won “Runner Up” in the category of “Community Enhancement” in the Flower City Looking Good contest. Susan Morehouse graciously attended the ceremony and accepted the reward on behalf of the many neighbors who maintain this garden.
A crew of neighbors worked on Saturday, Nov 5, just ahead of wind, rain, and colder weather, to get the first wave of leaves raked and to put the garden to bed for the winter. There is one mature tree that shades the center of the park. In addition, a new ornamental tree was planted in June and dedicated to Ron Coleman. Ron, who helped maintain the garden for many years, passed away in March.

Genesee Street News

Breaking the Bubble Speaker Series at the Red Tea House

October 31st Trunk or Treat
Karen Emerson and Carol Kramer at Danforth Center for the Exercise Express Trunk or Treat event Friday October 28th.

19WCA Mini Clean Sweep
19WCA Mini Clean Sweep November 12, 10-12PM – 216 Thurston Rd. If you are a chair or past chair of 19WCA events, please call Ruth at office (585-328-6571) to discuss event materials.

Arnett Branch Library

In Case You Missed It – Supreme Salad Bar
Supreme Salad – 344 Thurston Road thanks everyone who has supported their small business. They have made the decision to remain open this winter and hope that everyone will continue to show their support. So many small business have closed their doors but they plan on staying – awesome! DoorDash, Grubhub and UberEats will be available. They are open Mon-Friday 11-7pm.

November 7—Last Day to Apply In-person for absentee ballot.
November 8—Last Day to Postmark Ballot. Must be received by the local board of elections no later than November 15th. Military voter ballots must be received no later than November 21.
November 8—Last Day to deliver ballot In-person to local board of elections or any poll site in your county.
Monroe County Board of Elections info.
39 W. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614
Room 106 of the Monroe County Office Building
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
Phone: (585) 753-1550
Fax: (585)753-1511
TTY: (585)753-1544
Complete Street Makeover coming next May!
The local organization Reconnect Rochester (reconnectrochester.org) is committed to improving safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. In recent years, they have asked neighborhoods to help identify intersections and trouble-spots where people felt uncomfortable walking or biking—intersections or stretches of street that could be designed to be safer for everyone. The Arnett Block Club submitted an application. We are thrilled to report that the corner of Arnett and Warwick has been selected for a Complete Streets Makeover for May 2023.
A core committee will begin meeting this November with Reconnect Rochester and will add some key groups in January. We are hoping to include people from The 19th Ward Community Association, Teen Empowerment, Rotary, Boys and Girls Club, and others after the turn of the year. Designs and ideas are flowing! The event in May will be a community gathering during which we paint the street, install flowers or benches, and create a space that encourages people to slow down and appreciate our community. If you want to join our team after the turn of the year, please let Susan Morehouse know (Susan@Harpsongs.com).
RPD Citizen’s Police Academy
The Rochester Police Department’s Citizen’s Police Academy (C.P.A.) is a 10-session program held once a year with an average of 20-25 attendees. This year we are encouraging community members and business owners to apply for the 29th Academy. Academy classes will run for 10 weeks on Wednesday nights from 6 pm to 9 pm, starting on January 25, 2023 and concluding on March 29, 2023.
Classes will be held at the Public Safety Training Facility located at 1190 Scottsville Road, Rochester, NY 14624.
2023 Citizen’s Police Academy Schedule (All classes take place from 6-9 pm):
Session #1- January 25, 2023
- Chief David Smith- State of the Rochester Police Department
- Recruiting and Hiring Process for RPD Officers
Session #2- February 1, 2023
- Introduction to RPD Patrol Sections
- Neighborhood Service Centers (NSC)/Crime Prevention/PAC-TAC
Session #3- February 8, 2023
- Firearms (to include Firearms Safety)- Attendees experience firing a handgun on the Police Range and engage in Judgmental Shooting (PRISM)
- Less-Lethal Options Overview
Session #4- February 15, 2023
- Defensive Tactics- Unarmed Defense and Use of Force Continuum (Levels of Force used by RPD Officers Demonstrated with Attendees Participation)
Session #5- February 22, 2023
- Vehicle Stops and Tactical Approaches- Practical Exercise with Attendees –
Session #6- March 1, 2023
- Domestic Violence and Conflict Management (De-escalation techniques)
Session #7- March 8, 2023
- Introduction to Special Investigation Section (Narcotics)- Attendees Experience Hands-on Demonstration of Illegal Drugs Sold/Used in the City of Rochester
- Introduction to License Investigation Unit and Economic Crimes (Tips given to avoid being scammed)
Session #8- March 15, 2023
- Introduction to Criminal Investigation Division- Homicide and Serious Crimes
- Body Worn Camera Program- Policies, Procedures and Demonstrations
Session #9- March 22, 2023
- Professional Standards Section (Internal Affairs), Crisis Intervention/Forensic Intervention Teams, Officer Wellness
Session #10- March 29, 2023
- Graduation Ceremony- Certificate Presented to Attendees by Chief of Police
- Special Teams Exposition (K9, SWAT, Scuba, Bomb and Mounted Units) – Rudolph, Alliet, Potuck
For further information and an application, please contact Officer Ted Coriddi at (585) 428-1222 or send an email inquiry to Theodore.Coriddi@cityofrochester.gov . Applications must be completed and returned by January 16th, 2023 and registration approved prior to the first session date on January 25, 2023, with preference given to City of Rochester residents and business owners.
Applications can also be downloaded from the City’s Website www.cityofrochester.gov or obtained at the Rochester Police Department’s Headquarters Desk located at 185 Exchange Blvd., Rochester, NY 14614.

Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council will meet virtually 2nd Thursday of each month.
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is enjoying seeing your beautiful gardens bloom.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is in search of a new chair.
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will be restarting soon. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
AmazonSmile – smile.amazon.com – You Shop. Amazon Gives. The 19WCA is listed as a charity, we receive 0.5% when you purchase. Thank you!!
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