Update 19 – December 2023
Presidents Message

Welcome December! It’s hard to believe that the year 2023 is coming to a close. I hope everyone will look back at the successes and the lessons learned in 2023 and look forward to 2024 with anticipation toward what the new year will bring.
In November we hosted our Annual Convention at School 16! Our feedback from those in attendance was that it was great to meet new people and have an opportunity to catch up with those we knew, the food from People’s Choice was “more of a dinner than light refreshment”, the auction was fun and exciting and the business meeting was very informative. Overall, a good time was had by all! Thank you to everyone who took the time to support and experience our 2023 Annual Convention.

Thank you (not goodbye!) to Donna Sarnacki and Jacob Adams who resigned as delegate (and alternate delegate) to District 10 and Tyrese Bryant who resigned as District 15 delegate. We welcome Cody Donahue and David Buonaugurio who have been elected as delegate and alternate delegate in District 10 and Susan McMeekin-Davis who will serve as delegate in District 15 with Laura Suda continuing as the alternate.
Please mark your calendar for January 13 at the Arnett Branch Library. The 19WCA will be there with luminary kits to light up the night on Martin Luther King Day January 15. The kits come 4 in a pack for a suggested donation of $5. More information to come.
Happy Holidays! If you get the opportunity, please walk (or drive) through our neighborhood to enjoy the beautiful holiday decorations.
Thank you for continuing to support the 19th Ward Community Association. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
Josie T. McClary
President, 19th Ward Community Association
19th Ward Community Association
What does it mean to be a member of the 19th Ward Community Association? You can find this 2020 video on our website at 19wca.org. We continue to advocate for our community! We have an open Executive Committee Secretary, Executive Committee Treasurer, as well as District Delegate and 19WCA Committee chair positions. Please reach out to our office manager at 19thward@19wca.org for details surrounding these volunteer community positions.
Schools Committee
submitted by Dr. Phyllis Moss
“The Schools Committee continues to work with School #10 to offer tutoring to the scholars there. We are so grateful to the Engineering Society and other community members who volunteer their time to provide this service.
We are also in conversation with School #16 about establishing a similar program for the scholars there.
Over the last few months we have supported the efforts of our parents in addressing the Board of Education’s plan to close 11 schools, 2 in our neighborhood. We continue to work with community partners to monitor this process in order to minimize the disruption to our neighborhood and its families.
The Spelling Bee will take place in early Spring of next year and we are hoping to add 7th and 8th graders.
Finally, we are looking to develop partnerships with community partners to address the issue of literacy among our scholars which has been declared the ‘new civil rights issue’ by the NAACP.”
SW Street Managers, John DeMott and Chris McDonald
The D&C featured a great front-page article about G&G Steakout and the Gause family. Click on link below.

Arnett Branch Library

Hi everyone!
It’s that time for me to request donations for the 4th annual Books for Kids giveaway, initiated by my book club in 2019.
We use those funds to buy books for Rochester city kids, ages 2 to 18 – and their grownups (we added items for expectant mothers and new parents in 2020).
They are purchased at a local independent bookstore (Hipocampo). A wish list, general guidance and enthusiastic distribution are provided by the Arnett Branch Library in the 19th ward. And, as far as we can tell -based on feedback- almost everyone who has been involved with this effort has been totally delighted. The book store.The Library. The donors. And most importantly, all those kids who laugh and choose and walk away with what is sometimes the first new book they have ever owned.
Who knew, in this age of digital everything, that kids would get excited about books? But they do and they come back to say so and we fervently hope that will lead to a love of reading and greater literacy and a fuller life.
None of this can happen, obviously, without your contributions, so we hope you will join us.
If you would like to donate, please send a check, payable to Barbara Crossley (our volunteer CFO), with Books for Kids 4, written on the memo line. Mail to 1100 Ohstrom Park, Webster, NY 14580-1999.
And if you know anyone else who might like to participate, please forward this email.
Thank you. If you have any questions at all, please contact me. And have a safe and wonderful holiday.
Terry Parks
First Tuesday Book Club and Friends, Books for Kids 4
From Capt. Mike Jones
Here is a link to an article regarding a phone scam that has been occurring in Rochester: https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/top-stories/border-patrol-warns-against-rochester-phone-scam/


Winter R-Guide available
Winter may be upon us, but you won’t find the City’s R-Centers hibernating! Inside you will find a full lineup of programs for residents of all ages including activities to keep kids physically active, mentally engaged and emotionally supported by caring adults after school and throughout the season!
View our free listing of youth and family programs and download the Winter R-Guide here https://www.cityofrochester.gov/recreation/

Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council will meet 2nd Thursday of each month at the Arnett Branch Library except July and August. NEW TIME! 6:30pm
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is always looking for help in maintaining our neighborhood gardens.
Communications Committee, Kate Phillips, Chair
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will be restarting soon. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
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