Update 19- January 2024
Presidents Message

2023 concluded one year of the 19WCA presidency for me. Although we don’t have a brick and mortar we have participated in community events and fairs (RCSD Board Public Meeting, City Council Public Meeting, tabling at Church and Community events) – it was a busy year! My thanks to all who joined with me!
We collaborated and partnered with the Greater Rochester Martin Luther King Commission to put on the Juneteeenth celebration. We worked with ReConnect Rochester, City of Rochester and our Community to get traffic calming measures on Thurston (Cross Walk, Signs and lights).
We enjoyed super fun events at the MLK luminaries night with St. Monica’s Church and UR Ambassadors, the annual Skate Party at Genesee Valley Park Skating Rink with UR students and neighborhood families, a great turnout at our National Night Out in partnership with our Neighborhood Services Center and Rochester Police Department and one of the best Square Fair events to date! And we can’t forget our 2023 Annual Convention!
We are currently working with the City, Cannabis Operation Management and Community to keep illegal Smoke Shops out of our community.
The following committees are looking forward to continuing their work in our community – volunteers are always needed!
1. 19WCA Cats
2. Candle Light dinner
3. Spelling Bee
4. Troop #1965 Boy/Girl Scouts
5. Square Fair
This coming year the 19WCA leadership is looking forward to accomplishing the following:
- Find Individuals that qualify to fill empty Executive Board Seats (Treasurer and Secretary)
- Find Individuals that’s interested to fill empty district delegate positions
- Find a New Home (physical location) for the 19WCA
- Continue to engage and build relationships with other Associations
- Work with and build relationships with the Business Corridors (Brooks, Arnett, Thurston, Chili Ave and Genesee Street)
Please mark your calendar for Saturday, January 13th 10-2pm at the Arnett Library for the
19WCA MLK Luminary Project to Light up our community in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 15th, 2024
We are asking the community to light up the outside of your homes, businesses or other community venues with luminaries. The goal is to light up the community as a sign of hope, sanctuary, peace and solidarity with Dr. King’s Vision of the BELOVED COMMUNITY
We will have luminaries available at the Arnett Library between the hours of 10-2pm on January 13th in advance of Martin Luther King Day on January 15th. The luminaries come four in a pack for a suggested price of $5 and it’s a FUNraiser (Fun Uniting Neighborhoods) for the 19th Ward Community Association.
I am thankful for everyone who supports the 19th Ward Community Association. As always, Be Safe. Be Healthy.
Josie T. McClary
President, 19th Ward Community Association
Schools Committee
submitted by Dr. Phyllis Moss
People often ask how they can help with the issues going on in our city. Rochester now has the highest child poverty rate in the country and violence has become a serious problem. My answer is always the same, teach our children to read! It’s a long-term solution to an immediate problem but it’s something that anyone can do. One of our committee members often shares that from kindergarten through 3rd grade a child learns to read and from 4th grade on they read to learn. Once we understand that it’s easy to connect the dots between reading and our growth as a human being. Reading is absolutely necessary if a child is going to participate fully in the civil and political life of our society. Consequently, it is a civil rights issue.
In 2024, the Schools Committee hopes to offer tutoring to more students. We need more volunteer tutors. If you are interested in partnering with us to help our scholars, please email us at readingcircles19@gmail.com.
If you would like to read more about this issue, please visit https://hechingerreport.org/naacp
SW Street Managers, John DeMott and Chris McDonald
From Genesee Corridor Business Association
Rochester Urban Forest Master Plan Update – Public Meetings on January 8 and January 10
All are invited to attend one of the upcoming public meetings about the Urban Forest Master Plan Update, which is being led by the City of Rochester’s Forestry Division, to learn about the Master Plan Update and share your ideas for expanding and improving the urban forest (the urban forest includes the trees along city streets and in parks and cemeteries). The content at each of the upcoming meetings will be identical, so please choose the one that is most convenient for you:
- January 8, 2024 @ 6PM – at the Arnett Branch Library located at 310 Arnett Boulevard, Rochester
- January 10, 2024 @ 6:30PM – at the Children’s School of Rochester #15 in the gym at 85 Hillside Avenue, Rochester
We also encourage you to spread the word about these meetings with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues. If you are unable to attend these upcoming meetings, please consider sharing your input in one of the following ways:
- Take the City’s urban forest survey, which is open until February 29, 2024: https://tinyurl.com/RochesterUrbanForestSurvey
- Send comments via email to the City Forester, Andrew Place (andrew.place@cityofrochester.gov) and/or Liz Podowski King (liz@highland-planning.com) from Highland Planning who is managing public outreach for this project.
- Consider becoming a Community Tree Ambassador (paid position) and partnering with the City to broaden participation in the Urban Forest Master Plan Update! If you are interested in applying to become a Community Tree Ambassador, please complete and return the attached interest form to liz@highland-planning.com

Bull’s Head Revitalization Project
Please mark your calendars for the following two public meetings now in the planning stages for the Bull’s Head Revitalization Project. https://www.cityofrochester.gov/bullsheadproject/
Monday, January 22, 6:00 pm,at St. Mary’s
DevelopROC presentation of proposed development plans
Tuesday, February 27, 6:00 pm, location TBD
City of Rochester street design plans
The presenting organizations will send official meeting notices in the week ahead.
Arnett Branch Library

Healthi Kids Team:
The Rochester City School District is developing its strategic plan for the next five years, and we want your input to be included! Your voice is crucial in setting priorities that will shape decision-making and improve the overall well-being of our community’s students.
Join focus groups on Zoom to ensure that family, student, and community voices are heard. No registration is required; simply click the link on the meeting date:
- January 9, 2024: Parent Focus Group, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
- January 11, 2024: Parent Focus Group, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- January 18, 2024: Student Focus Group, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
- January 22, 2024: Community Focus Group, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
The plan should include:
- Authentic parent/family partnership opportunities
- Accountability mechanisms for existing policies, such as the wellness policy
- Continued investment in early childhood education and smoother PreK-1st grade transitions
- Ample support for students’ mental health/social-emotional wellness from PreK through 12th grade
- Restorative practices and positive school climates
- Playful learning experiences for all students
- Educational equity, ensuring equal access to out-of-school time, field trips, and experiential learning opportunities
We’re committed to tracking progress on the strategic plan and providing opportunities for your feedback. Let’s work together to ensure every scholar in the Rochester City School District has a healthy and active learning environment!
Thank you,
Healthi Kids Team

Winter R-Guide available
Winter may be upon us, but you won’t find the City’s R-Centers hibernating! Inside you will find a full lineup of programs for residents of all ages including activities to keep kids physically active, mentally engaged and emotionally supported by caring adults after school and throughout the season!
View our free listing of youth and family programs and download the Winter R-Guide here https://www.cityofrochester.gov/recreation/

Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council will meet 2nd Thursday of each month at the Arnett Branch Library except July and August. NEW TIME! 6:30pm
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is always looking for help in maintaining our neighborhood gardens.
Communications Committee, Kate Phillips, Chair
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will be restarting soon. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
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