Update 19 – February 2024
Presidents Message

Americans have played a central role in shaping US History. From slavery and its eradication to the great migration, the civil rights movement, military, science, cultural and political achievements.
Let’s back track for a minute with a little history lesson:
Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by Black Americans and other peoples of African descent. The group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures.
By the late 1960s, thanks in part to the civil rights movement and a growing awareness of Black identity “Negro History Week” had evolved into Black History Month! Pres. Ford officially recognized Black History month in 1976 calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.
Today, Black History Month is a time to honor the contributions and legacy of African Americans across U.S. history and society—from activists and civil rights pioneers such as Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and Rosa Parks to leaders in industry, politics, science, culture and more…. Even today’s Executive Board of the 19th Ward Community Association!
“Black History is American History”
Please join us at the Thurston Rd. YMCA to celebrate Black History Month on Thursday 2/16 from 10:30-1pm. Former Mayor William Johnson will be the keynote speaker.
Peace and Love,
Josie T. McClary
President, 19th Ward Community Association
Schools Committee
submitted by Dr. Phyllis Moss
Please note that this year’s Spelling Bee will take place on Saturday, March 23rd at Wegman’s Hall on the University of Rochester Campus. Spelling Bee practices are being held at the Arnett Library from 10-11am.
On February 1st, and in honor of Black History Month, the NAACP sponsored a 24 hour free showing of the movie, “The Right to Read”. For those who missed it here are a few key points from the movie.
1. Illiteracy is the pipeline to prison. It is also the pipeline to homelessness and depression.
2. Imagine living in the stone age but you have no stone or the bronze age but you have no copper. We are living in the information age and we have children who cannot read.
3. Companies are making millions of dollars selling books that don’t teach our children to read.
4. We are failing approximately 2/3s of our children.
5. 1/3 of 4th graders cannot read on a basic level. 1/2 of children of color in the 4th grade cannot read on a basic level.
Niche.com gives some interesting facts about our schools. The numbers speak for themselves.
School 10 School 16 Brighton Pittsford Penfield
Reading Proficiency 22% 10% 74% 84% 92%
Math Proficiency 5% 5% 62% 83% 92%School’s Overall Grade C- D+ A A+ A
We are still looking for reading and math tutors for our 19th Ward scholars. New members for the Schools Committee are always welcome!
SW Street Managers, John DeMott and Chris McDonald

Arnett Branch Library

Cub Scout Pack #1965

19th Ward Community Association Pack 1965 has been Chartered for 1½ years by 19WCA and meets on alternate Wednesday nights at School 16, 321 Post Ave. At the Pack meetings the current youth, ranging in age from 5-10, are in two Dens. They participate in ‘Adventures’ in Health, Physical Fitness, Food Preparation, Nature and Crafts. Teamwork and responsibilities. Safety. There are also weekend outings and service projects.
The Pack participated in Clean Sweep and the Complete Street Makeover. Street painting, benches and playful elements by the Arnett library. Plans were in for the 19WCA led mini clean-sweep but inclement weather intervened. This winter the Pack youth and adults started a quarterly service project of cooking a meal for 20 at the homeless shelter at Sts Peter and Paul.
This fall the Pack sold over $900 of Boy Scout popcorn our profits of $350 helped subsidize recharter costs of $80 plus $20 insurance per youth. We greatly need several more fundraisers. Any financial donations to support Pack #1965 is appreciated!
Our next Scout service project will be a Food Collection Drive with a collection date of March 2. Some door to door and
hopefully a drop off location like the library We could greatly use help advertising.
Our annual Pinewood Derby will be a recruitment event. We will take a hike in GVP with some trash pickup during school recess.
Chuck Arnold
P1965 Unit Commissioner and Cubmaster
585-469-1462 scouter.chuckles@gmail.com

Winter R-Guide available
Winter may be upon us, but you won’t find the City’s R-Centers hibernating! Inside you will find a full lineup of programs for residents of all ages including activities to keep kids physically active, mentally engaged and emotionally supported by caring adults after school and throughout the season!
View our free listing of youth and family programs and download the Winter R-Guide here https://www.cityofrochester.gov/recreation/

Committee Information
Reach out to our office manager if you would like to get involved.
Delegates Council
Delegates Council will meet 2nd Thursday of each month at the Arnett Branch Library except July and August. NEW TIME! 6:30pm
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee is always looking for help in maintaining our neighborhood gardens.
Communications Committee, Kate Phillips, Chair
Housing Committee
The 19th Ward Housing Committee will be restarting soon. Our meetings generally last about an hour. A City representative from Buildings and Code Enforcement attends to work with us on specific properties, concerns/issues, code enforcement, etc.
Schools Committee
The schools committee is continuing to meet and will keep us updated on the good work they’re doing.
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