Membership and Donation
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to donate to specific projects.
As a member, you can be a part of something bigger than yourself and support a community where differences of race, age, socio-economic status, religion, gender, and sexual orientation are not only tolerated, but celebrated.
We are a member-supported, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organization. While membership dues are important to our ongoing programs, any resident living in the 19th Ward is encouraged to join regardless of ability to pay by sending an email to our office manager. In order to keep our events running and our committees going, we greatly appreciate any gifts you can give in terms of time or financial support described below.
Become a Supporting Member Today!
Your support will help build community and celebrate cultural differences with annual events such as the Luminary Evening for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, The Square Fair, Porch Fest, Candlelight Dinners, Skating Parties, and more.
Membership Benefits
Base Membership

- 19th WCA Newsletter
- Special edition 19th WCA pin or sticker
- Invitations to special events such as the Candlelight Dinners
- Voting privileges at the Annual Convention and your Annual District Meeting
- Participate in a committee such as History, Housing, Communications, Public Safety, Schools, and Zoning
- Annual complimentary advertisement in newsletter (for businesses)
- Annual Dues: Student/Senior $8, Individual $15, Family/Business/Church $35

Contributing Member Benefits ($50+/year)
- All of the above and;
- A special edition 19WCA hat
Sponsorship ($250+)
- All of the above and;
- Recognition on the 19WCA website
- Name in the 19WCA Newsletter
Downloadable Form
If you prefer, you may download this form, fill it out, and mail it to PO Box 24754, Rochester, NY 14624!
The History Committee has partnered with RIT to work on creating digital resources to explore the Rapids Cemetery on Congress Ave. To contribute any amount to this project, please use the button below.
19th Ward Community Cats seeks donations to help with our trap and release program, and rehoming cats in our neighborhood. Please use the button below to contribute to their hard work!
You can also donate any amount to support our organization by bringing cash or a check to our office, or using the button below!